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Me daten 02.06.2023 Asambleja Komunale e Fรซmijรซve รซshtรซ informuar pรซr Ligjin e Mbrojtjes sรซ Fรซmijรซve, nรซ cilรซsin e Psikologut, Rron Kastrati ka mbajtur ligjeratรซn pรซr antarรซt e Asamblesรซ nรซ

Qendrรซn Rinore.

Qรซllimi i ligjerates ishte qรซ antarรซt e Asamblesรซ Komunale tรซ Fรซmijรซve tรซ informohen mรซ nรซ detaje pรซr Mbrojtjen e Fรซmijรซs. Ky Ligj i cili ka pรซr qรซllim mbrojtjen e fรซmijรซs, nรซpรซrmjet plotรซsimit tรซ kuadrit ligjore institucional, nรซ zbatim tรซ Kushtetutรซs sรซ Republikรซs sรซ Kosovรซs, tรซ Konventรซs sรซ Kombeve tรซ Bashkuara mbi tรซ Drejtat e Fรซmijรซs.

Falenderojmรซ Psikologun Rron Kastrati, i cili ka informuar nรซ detaje tรซ gjitha Nenet tรซ Cilat janรซ nรซ Ligjin pรซr Mbrojtjen e Fรซmijรซs, cilat institucionet janรซ pรซrgjegjรซse mรซ sรซ shumti pรซr tรซ Drejtat e Fรซmijรซve dhe se sa รซshtรซ i rrรซndรซsishรซm roli i Avokatit tรซ Popullit.

Nevo Koncepti implementon projektin โ€Qeverisja e tรซ Drejtave tรซ Fรซmijรซveโ€ dhe implementohet nรซ partneritet me Save the Children Kosova/o dhe SIDA.

Informing members of the Municipal Assembly of children about the law NR.06 / L-084 for the protection of The child.

On 02.06.2023, the Municipal Assembly of Children was informed about the Child protection law, psychologist Rron Kastrati lectured the Assembly members at the Youth Center.

The purpose of the lecture was to inform the members of the Municipal Assembly of children in more detail about Child Protection law. This law aims to protect the child, through the fulfillment of the institutional legal framework, pursuant to the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo and the United Nations Convention on the rights of the child.

We thank psychologist Rron Kastrati, who has informed in detail all the articles that are in the law on Child Protection, which institutions are most responsible for children’s rights and how important the role of the Ombudsperson is.

Nevo Koncepti implements the project โ€Governance of Childrenโ€™s Rightsโ€ and is implemented in partnership with Save the Children Kosova/o and SIDA