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Me datΓ«n 01.12.2023 Γ«shtΓ« realizuar takimi me Policin e Kosoves ku kanΓ« marrΓ« pjesΓ« anΓ«tarΓ«t e Asambles sΓ« FΓ«mijΓ«ve. Takimi kishte pΓ«r qΓ«llim informimin dhe njohjΓ«n e punΓ«s tΓ« cilΓ«n e bΓ«nΓ« Policia e Kosoves. GjatΓ« takimit janΓ« diskutuar shumΓ« qΓ«shtje tΓ« cilat prekin interesat e fΓ«mijΓ«ve dhe mbrojnΓ« tΓ« drejtΓ«n e tyre, antarΓ«t e asamblesΓ« parashtruan shumΓ« pyetje tΓ« cilat kishin qΓ«llimin tΓ« marrin informacione sa mΓ« shumΓ« nΓ« lidhje me punen e Policise.

Gjithashtu, antarΓ«t e AsamblesΓ«, vizituan objektin e PolicisΓ« ku u informuan edhe pΓ«r punΓ«n e tyre tΓ« pΓ«rditshme, fΓ«mijΓ«t avokuan pΓ«r rritjen e sigurisΓ« nΓ« objektet shkollore si dhe nΓ« rrugΓ«, pΓ«r tΓ« gjithΓ« fΓ«mijΓ«t.

Nevo Koncepti implementon projektin β€œQeverisja e tΓ« Drejtave tΓ« FΓ«mijΓ«ve” dhe implementohet nΓ« partneritet me Save the Children Kosova/o dhe SIDA.

Municipal Assembly of children visited the Police Station

On 01.12.2023, a meeting was held with the Kosovo police, attended by members of the children’s Assembly. The meeting was aimed at informing and recognizing the work done by the Kosovo police. During the meeting were discussed many issues that affect the interests of children and protect their right, members of the Assembly asked many questions that aimed to get as much information as possible about the work of the police.

Also, members of the Assembly visited the police facility where they were informed about their daily work and the children advocated for increased security in school facilities and on the streets for all children.

Nevo Koncepti implements the project β€œgovernance of children’s rights” and is implemented in partnership with Save the Children Kosovo/o and SIDA.