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Me daten 30.06.2023 Asambleja Komunale e Fรซmijรซve, vizituan ekspozitรซn e holokaustit “Diagnoza Racore, Gjenocidi Nazist pรซr Romรซt dhe Lufta e Gjatรซ pรซr Njohje” e cila รซshtรซ organizuar nga Organizata Voice of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptians nรซ pรซrcjelljรซn e cicรซronรซs Gynesh Veshall.

Ekspozita i ofroi antarรซve tรซ Asamblesรซ mundรซsinรซ tรซ njohin historinรซ e Romรซve dhe Sintit gjatรซ holokaustit, tรซ dรซgjojnรซ dรซshmitรซ e tรซ mbijetuarve dhe tรซ njohin sakrificรซn e madhe qรซ ata bรซnรซ pรซr tรซ mbijetuar, dokumente dhe shumรซ fotografi na treguan historinรซ e trishtรซ tรซ arrestimit, deportimit dhe vrasjes sรซ Sintรซve dhe Romรซve nรซ kampet e pรซrqendrimit.

Ekspozita synon tรซ rrisรซ ndรซrgjegjรซsimin pรซr gjenocidin qรซ tronditi botรซn, nรซ tรซ cilin qindra mijรซra Romรซ u ekzekutuan dhe masakruan.

Nevo Koncepti implementon projektin โ€œQeverisja e tรซ Drejtave tรซ Fรซmijรซveโ€ dhe implementohet nรซ partneritet me SSave the Children Kosova/odhe SIDA.

On 30.06.2023, the Municipal Assembly of children visited the Holocaust exhibition” racial diagnosis, Nazi genocide for Roma and the long struggle for recognition ” which was organized by voice of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptians following the tweet Gynesh Veshall.

The exhibition offered the members of the Assembly the opportunity to know the history of Roma and Sinti during the Holocaust, to listen to the testimonies of survivors and to recognize the great sacrifice they made to survive, documents and many photographs told us the sad story of the arrest, deportation and murder of Sinti and Roma in concentration camps.

The exhibition aims to raise awareness of the genocide that shocked the world, in which hundreds of thousands of Roma were executed and massacred.

NNevo Konceptiimplements the project “Child Rights Governance” and is implemented in partnership with SSave the Children Kosova/oand SIDA.